What are Brands issued NFTs and how your Brand can apply for the Brand NFT Verification.
A brief introduction to Brands issued NFTs and how they are revolutionizing the industry.
If you identify yourself as a tech addict, the chances that you have heard about the different variations of NFTs available today are high. However, if you are not that much of an expert, the chances that you have heard about Brand NFTs or Enterprise NFTs are lower.
This article will represent an introduction to what are Brands issued NFTs, their current usage, issues, and, in a second part of the article, we will talk about how your Brand can get verified to solve the above-mentioned issues.
What is Brand issued NFTs?
The key difference between Brand issued NFTs and classic NFTs issued by individual artists lies in the fact that buying a Brand issued NFT will grant you special benefits. The purpose? Brands are always competing with one another and finding ways to differentiate themselves are the keys to attracting and retaining customers.
It is no surprise that brands such as Adidas, Dolce & Gabbana, Coca-Cola, and others have either launched their own Brand NFTs or have collaborated with other brands. A more concrete example is Coachella. The infamous music festival offered all its participants an NFT of a flower blooming on the second day of the festival. Moreover, Coachella implemented cashless payments solutions and Metaverse events.
Another example is Gucci. When you think of Gucci, the last thing that would come to your mind are NFTs and yet, the Brand NFTs luxury market is predicted to reach a value of $56 billion by 2030. With such predictions, it is not that surprising that brands such as Gucci are trying to become pioneers and launched a series of ultra-limited NFTs in collaboration with Superplastic designed by Gucci’s Creative Director himself. In terms of user benefits, the holders received an exclusive 8-inch-tall white ceramic hand-crafted in Italy.
However, like every other NFT, Brands NFTs are also at risk of counterfeits or fakes. For scammers, Brand NFTs might become increasingly attractive as it is easier to impersonate a famous brand into tricking the brand’s customers. Additionally, Brand NFTs might attract new and unaware collectors who might get tricked by fake stores or copied NFTs. This might not impact the brands themselves but it will certainly impact the overall trust of the market.
This is what we, at VIW, are trying to prevent and solve. Thanks to our Brand NFT verification process, your brand and NFTs can get officially verified. As a result, your brand, and your brand NFTs are easily identifiable and linkable.
VIW Brand NFT Verification.
To get verified as an Enterprise, we required you to provide us with a series of information and documents allowing us to evaluate whether your Brand can receive the verification or not. Be aware that you must provide us with the following information to complete the verification process. The necessary information’s are:
- Your Brand name.
- Your Brand’s wallet address.
- Your Brand web’s address.
- Your Brand’s e-mail address.
- The actual address of your Brand office.
- Your Brand contact number.
- Your Brand business number.
The above-mentioned information’s a necessity for us to verify your identity allowing you to issue certified Brand NFTs. Other complementary information such as a description of your Brand, a link to a gallery or exhibition your Brand took part in, links to your social media or your content portfolio can help us verifying faster your Brand identity. If your Brand is interested in our Brand NFT verification process, please navigate through our website, or directly contact us for more information.
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About VIW
VIW project distributes smart contracts connected to IPFS through simple UI/UX. Individuals have full ownership by creating and distributing NFTs through smart contracts connected to IPFS. Try and own your smart contract and NFT through VIW.
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