What is an Enterprise-issued NFT and how you can apply for the Enterprise NFT Verification?
A brief introduction to how NFTs issued by Enterprises can solve some of today’s issues.
It is important to tell you right away that Enterprise NFTs or ENFTs are not your common NFTs traded with a speculative goal. In fact, you cannot even trade them or list them on a marketplace after purchase. So, what exactly are Enterprise NFTs, and what is “Enterprise NFT Verification”? In this article, we will provide you with basic information about Enterprise NFTs as well as how your Enterprise can apply for the Enterprise NFT verification using VIW.
What is an Enterprise NFT?
Compared with classic NFTs, Enterprise NFTs are emitted by Enterprises aiming to solve issues in their supply chains, and manufacturing processes, or to grant the ENFT holders special services.
Let us take the example of the supply chain, holding an ENFT allows the Enterprise and the buyers to track goods, assets, and services across various organizations. These ENFTs are especially useful in complex organizations in which multiple transactions occur at various levels by offering more transparency to the buyers. What it means is that in a world in which buyers are more cautious about where the products they buy come from or how it was manufactured, Enterprises can provide the buyers with every information they need in a single NFT.
In another example, buying and holding an ENFT can grant you access to special services from that Enterprise. The way it works is that Enterprises can track who is the owner of the ENFT by checking the wallet balance of a user and, as a result, who should be granted access to their services or not. That NFT cannot be traded, exchanged, or sent to another user. As classical NFTs, ENFTs face the same issues such as how to make sure that the creator of the ENFT is the real Enterprise or is the service offered by the ENFT what the creator provides? (Link to the latest article).
As an NFT authenticating company, we will now learn more about how your Enterprise can get verified to enjoy these benefits in a secured way.
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VIW Enterprise NFT Verification.
To get verified as an Enterprise, we required you to provide us with a series of information and documents allowing us to evaluate whether your Enterprise can receive the verification or not. Be aware that you must provide us with the following information to complete the verification process. The necessary information’s are:
- Your Enterprise name.
- Your Enterprise wallet address.
- Your Enterprise web’s address.
- Your Enterprise e-mail address.
- The actual address of your Enterprise office.
- Your Enterprise contact number.
- Your Enterprise business number.
- The token name of your Enterprise (can be found on Etherscan).
- The token symbol of your Enterprise (can be found on Etherscan).
The above-mentioned information’s a necessity for us to verify your identity allowing you to issue certified ENFT. Other complementary information such as a description of your Enterprise, a link to a gallery or exhibition your Enterprise took part in, links to your social media or your content portfolio can help us verifying faster your Enterprise identity. If your Enterprise is interested in our ENFT verification process, please navigate through our website, or directly contact us for more information.
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About VIW
VIW project distributes smart contracts connected to IPFS through simple UI/UX. Individuals have full ownership by creating and distributing NFTs through smart contracts connected to IPFS. Try and own your smart contract and NFT through VIW.
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